
Rich House, Poor House

Some House Committees Are in the Money While Others Go Begging

"I just get these random checks from MacGray every two to three months, and then we throw a big party," he says.

"It's sort of magical check that appears out of nowhere every couple of weeks," says Jeanne M. Cawse '01, co-chair of the Cabot House Committee.


Di Capua says that where there's a will for funding House activities, there's a way.

Leverett House recently got rid of its House dues, after it became clear that laundry revenues and their popular '80s dances--both of which bring in about $3,000 each semester--could comfortably fund the House Committee by themselves.

"If people put the effort in, they can get the money they need," Di Capua says. "It's just a matter of the House Committee putting in effort to have a good dance. You have to advertise a lot, and have a cool idea, a different idea."

Di Capua says finances sometimes get a little tight at the end of the year, but that he doesn't need any more money from the council.

" All I want from my U.C. is a really good Springfest. If that meant not giving me $500, then go for it," he says. "But we'll always take money if it's offered."

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