
Men's Hockey Drops to No. 4 New Hampshire, 4-1

Struggling ineffectively against the Wildcats' impenetrable blueline, a beleaguered Crimson offense could only add a pair of shots on net in the period, bringing the grand total to five after 40 minutes of hockey.

The Wildcats' wasted no time trying to find the cracks in Jonas's shield.


Barely 30 seconds into the final period, Darren Haydar launched a shot at Jonas on a breakaway, but the puck was deflected high into the stands.

After 50 minutes of uninspiring play, the Crimson started to show a glimmer of offense. Moore and Packard combined for a two-on-one rush, but Conklin made a textbook glove save to control the shot.

Harvard's power play unit, showing gradual improvement over the course of the season, improved upon its 19 percent success rate and finally lit the

lamp for the Crimson at 11:30.

Moore and youmger brother Dominic battled Conklin at the crease, posting a pair of shots on his pads.

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