
Former TF Loses Bid for Congress

Cranley's insurgent campaign started to attract some national attention when it managed to raise $150,000 by April 1st without any outside support.

The campaign also hoped to win the extremely Catholic and pro-life Western suburbs, where Cranley grew up.


Cranley himself is both Catholic and pro-life.

But the energy and momentum of the spring did not last through the summer and fall.

The race failed to register as a contested race on either the Republican or Democratic radar.

Besides from an editorial in the New York Times that praised Cranley's courage while conceding that he had little chance of winning, Cranley go little national attention from political pundits.

And incumbent Chabot out-raised and out-spent Cranley by large margins. By October 18, Chabot raised $1,003, 536, and Cranley raised $429,054, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington-based think-tank which monitors campaign spending.

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