
Pressure Mounts For Gore To Concede

Students express frustration with long recount process

Secretary Robert Reich, have urged Gore to concede, student opinions on the election often seem to divide along partisan lines.

"I am watching with a feeling of dismay," said Jessica M. Gordon '03. "The way everyone looks at [the election] is completely influenced by their politics and not by any ideas of fairness or justice."


Anthony Ekmekjian '04, the communications director of the Harvard Democrats, supports continued recounting. He said he believes Gore will concede willingly but only after a legitimate count.

"What Gore is doing now is right although it might look bad to the public," Ekmekjian said.

But Jason P. Brinton '00-'01, the president of the Harvard Republican Club, said he thinks Gore should step aside.

"He's more concerned with how he can change the vote to get the result he wants," Brinton said. "He's a fighter but he just doesn't know when to stop."

Among both Republican and Democratic students, though, there is a general feeling of frustration with continual recounts and court appeals, and a desire to finalize the election results.

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