
Driskell's Concert Plans Attacked

The meeting quickly spun out-of-control as members made motions and counter-motions--voting at one point to suspend all of the parliamentary rules.

At one point, Burton asked if there were any motions to consider. When a flurry of hands shot up, he sighed.


"Actually, I'm going to close my eyes, so I don't see them," he said, before continuing with the meeting.

Driskell joined an overwhelmed Burton in attempting to regain control.

Burton interrupted Sterling P.A. Darling '01 who contended that the bill had been docketed without executive board approval, leading member Todd E. Plants '01 to say, "John, what you just did was mean and vindictive and you should take it back."

Other council members supported Darling's contention that the bill was improperly docketed, interrupting Burton's attempts to regain order.

"I was in the middle of a sentence," Burton complained.

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