
Men's Swim Team Looks to Renew Dominance

Still, one can't argue with the Crimson's ambition.

"We want to win HYP [the Harvard-Yale-Princeton meet], Easterns and make it into the NCAA Top-10," Groves said. "We also want to become the [Crimson's] sports team of the year for the second consecutive time."


The goal of a top-10 finish in the NCAAs is probably the most lofty for a school without athletic scholarships. Still, it is largely possible (the Crimson were ranked 11th in 1998) as long as Harvard performs well in its relays. Relay success greatly augments a teams NCAA ranking because four guys add points to a team's score rather than one.

In any case, Harvard needs to get through the season before thinking about NCAAs. The Crimson take on Columbia and Army in its first meet of the season at 7 PM at Blodgett Pool.

"All we have to do is be competitive," Murphy said. "And everything will take care of itself."

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