
Parties Battle Over Manual Recount

does not define disenfranchisement."

The public face of Bush's effort to oppose the recount, former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, threatened yesterday to demand recounts in close-voting states won by Gore, such as Iowa, Wisconsin, Oregon or too-close-to-call New Mexico.


"If the Gore campaign is going to continue to call for recount

after recount after recount until they are satisfied with the result, we may be forced to suggest there may be recounts in all these states," Baker said yesterday.

Christopher countered that the Florida recount was necessary to ensure that every vote is counted properly and that everyone who voted is assured that their ballot counted.

"We're not talking about a long delay here," Christopher said. "I think it's a matter of days--not weeks, not months--but days before we reach a result."

John F. Bingaman '02, campaigns chair for the Harvard College Democrats, said, "Bush's campaign is acting like every minute counts, but I think every vote counts."

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