
Food Fight

JG: I like the security of knowing that when I leave I have a Harvard degree, and if I really, really have to then I can maybe get one of those jobs, but it's not anything I want to do.

JA: I didn't feel it until I came back for senior year. I kept being like, "I'm going to be an artist." And even after having a revelation this summer-"Yes, I must go into theater, that's my life"-I still feel like I'm giving up the opportunity. It seems like if you don't do recruiting senior year, then you'll never have a job in business, ever. Which isn't necessarily the case, but-

DM: But do you want to have a job in business?


JA: No, never. I never want to do business in my entire life.

DM: You're like my Mom!

JA: Yes, I am your Mother.

DM: "Well, you have to get an I-banking job because of this..." "Well, Mom, I'm never going to do that." "Well, then..."

JA: I am your Mom. But I still think that that pressure is there.

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