
W. Soccer Upsets No. 23 BC in 2OT

"We needed to win for rankings, but much more important than that, we

needed to win it for us," Harvard Coach Tim Wheaton said. "We knew we needed to test ourselves against a really good opponent. For us, it was a big step up to play a good team and pull out the win."


Coming off its success with a three-player front in its two wins in California this weekend, Harvard again elected to go with three forwards yesterday. The aggressive move paid off handsomely for the Crimson offense, which fired eleven shots on net in the first half alone.

Both teams traded prime scoring opportunities in the game's early going, but the match remained scoreless until the 23rd minute when Stewart netted the first of her two goals in a rather unlikely fashion.

After Eagles back Katherine Murphy was taken off the field with an injury following a scrum in front of the BC net, the Crimson was awarded a free kick from the left sideline. Stewart, who likely has the Crimson's surest foot on long kicks, lined up from 45 yards out and blasted the ball all the way into the far upper corner of the net.

The ball, which Schaeffer appeared to get a hand on, was still ascending as it reached the mouth of the goal.

"I was just trying to cross it towards the far post," Stewart said. "The wind just caught it, and luckily, the keeper tipped it in."

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