
Lemmon Cancels Appearance at Hasty Pudding

Pomey did point out that Lemmon's decision to perform "Love Letters" was not related to the group's financial situation and that the actor did not know about the impending move when he contacted the HPT.

Despite the loss in projected revenue, Forkner said that the cancellation would be far from a mortal blow for the HPT and that the group is not planning a major fundraising campaign to compensate.

"The Theatricals will certainly survive," he said. "We've been around for 150 years, and last year we sold out 99 percent of the seats for 40 Cambridge shows."


When the Theatricals will need the money will be decided by the courts. Harvard, which is the beneficiary of the trust which owns the building, announced last spring that it intended to renovate the premises. But a lawsuit filed against Harvard by Up Stairs at the Pudding, the restaurant occupying the top floor of the building, is delaying Harvard's plans.

Seltzer did not return phone calls asking for comment.

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