
Coop Announces 5 Percent Rebate

Students who shop at the Coop said visiting the store is more convenient than shopping online from their dorm rooms.

"I'm not used to online shopping," said Natalija Novta '04. "I like seeing what I buy. A lot of students, especially the first-years, don't have a choice [but the Coop]. But it's nice of them to offer a rebate."


Coop student board member Radim Rimanek '01 said the rebate makes the Coop unique.

"It's a really fabulous thing what the Coop does," he said. "It really tries to be a service to the students, giving back what it makes to its members."

Rimanek attributed the size of the rebate to a restructuring in 1996.

"The rebate we're seeing today is a result of the board working really hard several years ago to restructure the Coop so it could survive in new circumstances," Rimanek said. "And as far as the size of the rebates goes, the Coop always chooses to give back the maximum amount it can to students."

But rebate or no, students said they look for cheap books wherever they can find them.

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