
Jewish and Arab Student Groups Stage Rallies

HSI and SAS react to violence in Israel

"We believe that the message that HSI was trying to get across was very one-sided because they highlighted the deplorable deaths of the two Israeli soldiers but did not recognize the fact that the overwhelming majority of those killed have been Palestinian civilians," said Darryl C. Li '01, an organizer of the SAS vigil. "We felt that it was imperative to present an alternative to their message."

A third group of Jewish Cantabrigians tried to distance themselves from HSI by standing with SAS supporters.


The group was forced to move about 30 yards away from the SAS vigil by Harvard University Police Department Chief Francis D. "Bud" Riley and other police officers.

"We would like to make it clear that the people over there who support the occupation and support the violence against Palestine don't stand for all Jews and don't stand for us," said local resident Elly Bulkin.

Riley said that only HSI, SAS and Amnesty International had received prior permission to demonstrate.

"They don't have permission. They're outsiders, they're not Harvard students," Riley said.

Vigil organizer Simon L. Sternin '01 said that SAS did not want their message to be misinterpreted by another group.

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