
South American Performers Enthrall Sanders Theatre Crowd

Early in the concert, the audience grew restless as an intrusive camera operator blocked their views of the band and dancers.

However, he was eventually chastised by an audience member, who was supported by vigorous cheering from others, and chased from the stage.


Towards the end of the two and a half hour show two dancers, dressed as a skeleton and a monk respectively, gallivanted through the crowd. Their pranks brought laughs and smiles.

But the most resounding cheers came when McCord and many of the other Santa Ana volunteers were brought onstage to dance.

For the final song of the evening, audience rose to its feet and sent the band and performers off amid a warm shower of applause.

"I thought it was really good," said Carnegie Mellon first-year Treacy Silverstein. "They came to my junior high school 6 or 7 years ago, but this was even better."

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