
Students Receive Money To Purchase Clothes for Winter

Goldman said the winter clothing fund is one of the more prudent University programs he has seen.

"Lobster night was wasteful," he said. "This isn't."

Without the program, Yadav said he felt that he might have had trouble dealing with the icy winter.


"It will be much easier now," he said. "I can get a good jacket."

Donahue, a firm supporter of the program, said that the list of clothing is not overly generous.

"If you live in the Northeast, you probably have all these things," she said. "The items are just part of a normal wardrobe."

Although the program is only available to students with a high level of aid, Donahue said the financial aid office could still help students with lower levels of aid that need help purchasing winter clothing.

"If [any students who receive financial aid] are feeling financial stress and can't get a coat, they should speak to their financial aid officer," she said.

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