
Students Push Benefits of Folic Acid

"There are a lot of eating concerns on campus," he said. "This week promotes the eating concerns issue through a back-door approach."

"There is no question folic acid is a very important vitamin," said Rosenthal, who is also a former president of the American Cancer Society.


Folic acid, or folate, is a B vitamin. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website, folic acid can prevent up to 70 percent of neural tube birth defects when taken before and during pregnancy.

Such defects deform the spine and brain and can lead to death, paralysis and incontinence.

Students for Healthy Babies further publicized the week through table tents in the dining halls, the digital display in Loker and green posters bearing cryptic messages such as "B" and "Broccoli / Peanuts / Oranges."

SHB was started in February and has about 10 members. The group wants to focus on teen mothers and pregnant teens, and hopes eventually to make presentations in local high schools on ways of preventing birth defects.

By the time a mother realizes she is pregnant, the child's spine and brain are already formed.

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