
HYPE Pushes Voter Registration

"It's a great way to bring the community together," said Lisa B. Schwartz '03, co-chair of HYPE.

While most appeared to come to see the band and others to hear the oratory of the politicians, a few came for the free food.


"I came for the fried dough," explained Emily Connolly '04, "but there wasn't any."

An estimate on how many students registered to vote yesterday was not available. Prior to the event, the IOP said that 3,914 students were registered.

IOP officials said they intend to reward the upper-class House and first-year yard that boasts the highest voter registration percentages with a private discussion with McCain, who will speak at the ARCO Forum Tuesday.

By the IOP's reckoning, Currier House, with 88 percent registered to vote, and Ivy Yard, with 77 percent registered to vote, currently lead the pack.

--Hannah Kenser contributed to the reporting to this article.

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