
Football Notebook: Miscues and Mistakes

The interesting thing was, Harvard almost always got pressure on the kicker. The line got into Heibel's face, even knocked him down once. When Harvard had the ball, however, it made some embarrassing mistakes.

On kickoffs, Lehigh's Abdul Byron managed to slip away from the Crimson's downfield attack. He returned two kickoffs for 72 yards, including a 48-yard return to start the second half.

On a long snap during a punt in the second quarter, the snap got away from the Crimson's Adam Kingston, who made a desperate, if comical attempt, to throw the ball. It fell incomplete.


Similarly, after Harvard's first touchdown, the extra point unit flubbed the conversion. First, the snap bounced several inches in front of holder Kyle Cremarosa. The ball then skidded through his hands, and he ran back and picked it up. By this time, the entire Lehigh kick-blocking unit was upon him, and Cremarosa fluttered a pass that landed harmlessly on the ground nearby.

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