
Tenacious D: Hurricanes Nostalgia

The very next year, the aforementioned Torretta engineered the go-ahead drive in the final minutes and watched as poor Dan Mowry took his place in the history books as the author of "Wide Right II." Miami won the game by the score of 19-16 and effectively denied FSU a shot at the national title.

And now, UM fans have "Wide Right III" to add to the list of memories in this great rivalry. I only wish I had been able to see it for myself like the other two installment.


So, what does the future hold for Miami? Well, they might not win the championship this year because they have yet to play a tough Virginia Tech team and already have a loss to Washington. However, Miami's No. 4 ranking is the highest rank it has had in quite a while. That bodes well for the team after so many years of falling from grace.

And sometime in the perhaps not-too-distant future, when an FSU kicker adds his name to the list of "Wide Right" alums, just know that I'll be somewhere laughing to myself and reliving a simple joy of childhood: Beating the damn Seminoles.

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