
HLS Says Globe Inflated Plans for Class Reform

Stotland added that the grading system is also often seen as arbitrary and therefore creates an "artificial hierarchy."

"The grading policy is one that could be changed practically and soon," she said.

Levin also listed large class size among his concerns.


"While willing to concede that I might not be here if this advice was taken, I think the class size should be smaller," he said.

However, Stotland said she didn't find the classes that different from her undergraduate years at Harvard and that, in a lecture class, it does not matter how many other people are sitting there with her.

As for the general unhappiness that is reputed to pervade the student body, HLS' atmosphere feeds off its reputation, according to students.

"Some people come here expecting to be unhappy and they kind of look for it," Stotland said.

"A lot of people aren't happy with the law school because they're not happy with themselves," Levin said. "They're prideful and aggressive just like the law school."

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