
Do Students Really Care About Binging?

"You take a chance, when you give up that much control [by drinking to excess], of doing one stupid thing that will follow you for the rest of your life," says Mike D. Geyer, also an extension student.

Though Clark confirms that short-term alcohol abuse is not likely to cause these long-term health problems, it can impact a person in the long term.


"Unless you are particularly sensitive, short-term binge drinking does not usually produce long-term [health] consequences. Overdoses and alcohol poisoning can produce profound physical consequences," Clark says.

The activities people take part in while drunk cause the most severe consequences.

Despite the great publicity given to recent alcohol-related deaths on campuses around the country, students do not seem to view themselves as being particularly at risk. Students interviewed say they are more aware of other's drunkenness at parties and make a point of helping drunk friends and keeping them out of trouble.

Students point out that colleges--like Harvard--that offer clemency to students who bring drunk friends into campus clinics for treatment do not help deter drinking.

When students know that they will not get in trouble for going overboard, and know that their friends are looking out for them, they said they do not feel a need to show restraint and avoid acute risks.

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