
UHS Patients: Results Unsurprising

But when the UHS survey arrived last spring, Smith didn't fill it out.

"I was annoyed. I didn't feel like UHS had done anything for me, so I didn't bother," he said.


Although Smith said that not all of his experiences with UHS have been negative, he maintains, "If I was in a car accident and my leg was broken, and I had a choice between going to UHS or a hospital 50 miles away, I would go to the hospital 50 miles away."

Allan W. Tulloch '01 said that although he doesn't go to UHS much, he doubts it lives up to its reputation.

"We joke that [UHS] is incompetent. I don't know if that's really true though," he said.

Undergraduate Council President, Noah Z. Seton '00 said he thinks that some of UHS's problems may stem from its image among the undergraduate population.

"The truth of the matter is...there are fears out there. Everybody has horror stories," he said. "The horror stories get passed along from person to person and things may not be as exaggerated as they seem."

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