
Lawless Competes in State Pageant

As a high school senior, she won the New York state title in America's Junior Miss Scholarship Competition. The event claims it is not a "pageant"--though Lawless admitted it "might look like one to the outside observer."

Lawless said both competitions involve similar activities--both place great importance talent and intelligence, though the pageants also include swimsuit competitions.

Lawless said her success is a result of talent and effort, not a "small waist and perfect features."


"I'm not a stick figure," she said. "I'm not thin, but I do consider myself in fairly good shape."

Lawless won the Miss Massachusetts competition's talent award by performing a Fredrick Chopin piece for piano, which she has studied for 15 years. She has also served as accompanist for the Radcliffe Choral Society.

While the talent exhibition comprised 40 percent of her total score, 30 percent came from a personal interview, with the swimsuit and evening wear competitions comprising 15 percent each.

Lawless said she isn't offended by the inclusion of "beauty" in the pageant.

"There is nothing that has been ever said to me that degrades any of the women," she said.

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