
Professors Receive Mentoring Awards

The number of nominations sent in by the graduate students surprised the Awards Chair Committee, Fagen said.

Grad students honored their professors with the "pent-up gratitude" of several years, according to Fagen.

"There were so many nominations that we were forced to pick nine people as the recipients of the award--which was more than expected," Fagen said.


"All nominations said their adviser was always available but it was the personal stories that hit home. In cases where people really had difficulties and their adviser showed real personal connection."

For undergraduate students, good advising can make for a fulfilling academic experience. But for graduate students, advising can make or break a career.

When a student enters graduate school the search for an adviser begins. Once the student finds an adviser, the adviser helps the student to define a research project, apply for grants and fellowships and write papers. Finally, an adviser helps the student to find a job.

The adviser's job falls somewhere between being a teacher, nurturer, and advocate of the student, grad students say.

For award recipient Ulrich, receiving the award for mentoring was an added delight to working with her advisees.

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