
Spring Game Last Fling For Seniors

BLee-ve It!

He and center Dean Jacobson then campaigned tobe named The Crimson's Male Athlete of the Year.At the very least, a feature? Or Athlete of theWeek?

After being assured that their public relationswas in good hands--"Remember, I'm the onlytwo-time captain in the history of modern Harvardfootball," Bibro said--they caught up, planned forthe barbeque after the game, and talked abouttheir futures.

Along with the fun in the stands, there was agame. The White team ended up beating the Crimsonteam, 14-7. More importantly, there were someperformances that could have an impact on nextyear's playing time.

Freshman receiver Dan Farley made some niceplays, and freshman defensive back Shawn Parkerbroke up a pass and blocked two field goals. Thedefensive line put some pressure on thequarter-back, and freshman receiver Eric LaHaieseemed to connect with junior quarter-back BradWilford.

The Wilford-LaHaie duo accounted for the firstscore of the game. From around the 17-yard line,Wilford, quarterbacking the White team, foundLaHaie on a post for the score. Junior quarterbackRich Linden had started at quarterback for thefirst-team offense on the Crimson team but hadsome trouble finding his receivers.


In the second half, the quarterbacks switched.Wilford took over for the first-team offense andaccounted for the Crimson team's equalizing store.On fourth-and-goal at the 15-yard line, Wilfordrolled to his right and bought time. He thencharged for thee goal line, cut to his left, anddove in for the touchdown.

The White team, led by Linden, scored a fewminutes later as freshman running back Jared Lewisswept wide left and beat the defense for a 20-yardtouchdown.

When Wilford was touched down for a sack onfourth down with 38 seconds left, the game wasblown over, and the teams headed into the lockerroom. The seniors, now a little tired (9 a.m. ispretty early to start partying, after all), pickedup their mess and got on the field for one lastromp. Their run was over.

After all the early-morning runs, theweight-lifting sessions, and the weekends spent onthe road, the class of 1999 said goodbye. TheStadium will be a lot quieter for it.Crimson File PhotoBIC NO LONGER: Senior BRENDAN BIBROshowed up Saturday a changed man-with hair.

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