
Balkan Natives React To Continuing Attacks

Students from Serbia also expressed concern for the relatives and friends who remain behind.

"Obviously I'm concerned about their safety. We live in a relatively residential area, but then again last night one of missiles hit a residential area," Tanjga said. "I'm always very scared when I call until they pick up."


While both sides said they were eager for peace, their proposals for ending the conflict have little in common.

Many non-Serbian students from the area said that Kosovo should be granted autonomy or independence.

"I find it unfeasible that the Serbian government as it stands today would allow ethnic Albanians to live in Kosovo with basic rights," said Kamenica, who said he believes that the Kosovars should therefore be independent.

But Serbian students are adamant that Kosovo remain a part of Yugoslavia. Many compared the current conflict to America's civil war.

"How would you feel that if a part of your country was trying to secede, a part that holds a special place and a special meaning, which Kosovo has for my nation?" Jovanovic said.

"I think [Kosovo] should remain a part of Serbia and consequently a part of Yugoslavia. There should be some changes in the civil rights of people who live there, but I'm strongly opposed to secession or any independence as a separate state," she said.

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