
New, More Diverse Class of HUPD Officers Graduates, Part of Riley's Vision for Dept.

The planning and selection process that led up to the graduation took nearly two years.

Whereas previous chiefs had emphasized scores on civil service exams, Riley said he favored a more holistic selection approach-one that would incorporate diversity, experience and the potential to connect with the Harvard community.

The 13 new officers on the beat mean that understaffing problems as old as Riley's tenure as chief will finally be relieved. For the next several weeks, the officers will work with more experienced officers and get a sense of what field work at Harvard is like.

Riley he hopes the graduation in Sanders Theatre at Harvard will help the new officers to feel at home.

"I felt as though these kids would remember this throughout their live," he said.


The ceremony was similar to other graduations, except that the children of the graduates ran around the theatre and yelled to the solemn graduates on the floor.

Bagpipers serenaded the officers as they entered Sanders in crisp, military formation. Until the moment when family members pinned their badges to their chest, the officers remained stoic.

Afterwards, though there were plenty of tears and hugs. Even old-time police officials like Riley and the top brass of the MBTA police said they were moved.

"It went off flawlessly," Riley said.

The new officers are Andrea McNally, Anthony Carvello, Amy Schlosberg, Kristin Metivier, David Burns, Patricia Lio, Andrew Gilbert, Denis Downing, Stephen O'Connor, Brian Spellman, Michael Price, Amy DiVirgilio and Julie Bates.

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