
Campus Reacts to Radcliffe Decision

Wilson Resigns To Advance Deal

"Our colleagues at Harvard can be veryconfident about what we're building here," shesaid.

Chemistry is a familiar field for Wilson--shereceived a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from theUniversity of Wisconsin.

Wilson called the vow of secrecy she hasoperated under for the last year "very hard."

"My best friend is someone I would have wantedto talk to about this. I did not," she said.

In the difficult months that have led up to theunveiling of the finalized deal, Wilson said shehas told only her husband, Paul Smith, about whatwent on behind close doors.


"He's absolutely trustworthy," she said."Sanity is an important value."

When Wilson begins what she claims has been along delayed sabbatical, she will leave Radcliffeas the college's seventh and final president.

"I hadn't even thought about it as being thelast president of Radcliffe College, because I'vebeen so focused on the new incarnation," she saidyesterday, her voice tinged with emotion.

Those who have worked closely with Wilson onbringing forth the deal yesterday praised hercommitment to the future of Radcliffe.

"I think that she really has devoted all of herefforts to bringing the strategic planning to aclose," said Radcliffe Board of Trustees ChairmanNancy Beth G. Sheerr '71. "I think she really hasput her future aside.

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