
Knowles Honors Six Faculty for Teaching

Professors get semester paid leave to research

To ensure that the awards are given todeserving professors, both students and Facultymembers play a role in selecting the winners. CUEguide evaluations, which students fill out at theend of every course, are a major part of theselection criteria.

"The first things we look at are CUE scores,particularly in large undergraduate courses likecores or introductory classes. These are very hardcourses to teach, and we want professors to wantto teach them," Todd said.

Subsequent criteria include data on professors'less quantifiable contributions to undergraduateeducation, such as tutorial and sectioninstruction, or thesis advising. Professors'administrative duties--such as serving on the Coreor Education Policy Committees, or serving as ahead tutor--also factor into the decision,according to Todd.

Several students contacted by The Crimson wereenthusiastic about their award-winning professors.Lyette A. Mercier '00, for example, enjoyed Bol'sHistorical Studies A-13, "Tradition andTransformation in East Asian Civilization: China,""immensely."

"Professor Bol is an incredibly compellinglecturer. And he makes it a practice of visitingeach section for every class he teaches at leastonce. He was just as dynamic in section as he wasin lecture," Mercier said.


Benjamin S. Edelson '00 also raved about Bol'ssection appearances.

"He was actually really impressive in sectionbecause he remembered peoples' names," Edelsonsaid. "He just seems like a nice guy."

The professors seemed to reciprocate thestudents' sentiments.

"Teaching Harvard undergraduates is privilegeand pleasure enough; receiving a Harvard CollegeProfessorship is an added bonus," Sandel said.

"I am absolutely delighted," Mazur said."There's nothing better than getting an award forwork I like doing and work I'm supposed to bedoing."

He explained the teaching style that has madehim famous among students. Rather thanregurgitating the textbook during lectures, Mazurmakes the students read relevant passages beforelecture.

"Rather than teaching by telling, I teach byquestioning. I will project a question, 'havestudents think about it, and then have themdiscuss it with their neighbors," Mazur said."What happens is truly amazing. Students whounderstand explain and convince students whodon't. The students are teaching one another; I'mthe coach.

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