
Seniors, Clemente Provide Fond Farewell

And, fortunately for the Crimson, Clemente demonstrated much maturity and control, going the final 12 minutes of the contest without picking up his fifth foul, allowing him to provide some heroics of his own.

With the game tied at 62 and under two minutes left in regulation, Clemente received the ball at the top of the key, well beyond the three-point line. Unable to find a man to his left or right, and noticing that no Princeton defender was coming out to cover him, Clemente let fly a high arcing shot from 26 feet that found nothing but net.

A timeout was called, as the Harvard faithful erupted, and Clemente backpedaled down the floor with arms raised high as teammates mobbed him.


Finally in overtime, Clemente helped ice the game, hitting all four of his free throws in the extra period, including the final two for Harvard.

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