
Gift drive

Gifts will be collected at the Phillips Brooks House in Harvard Yard, all Houses, the Dudley House entryway, Harvard Yard, Gutman Library, Conroy Commons or Larsen Hall at the Graduate School of Education (GSE), or Langdell Library at (HLS).

Impact has tabled in House dining halls since Nov. 29, and will continue tabling until Dec. 22. Since then, almost 650 cards have been sold.


Sinead B. Walsh '00, the founder and president of Impact, said that while her organization first intended to focus on the College community, the drive has since been extended beyond campus.

A professor at the Harvard Divinity School has expressed interest in the drive, and members of the greater Boston community have also asked about getting involved, she said.

Jane E. Launckner '01, the co-chair of the central board for House and Neighbor Development (HAND), said that although she supports Impact, she thinks that PSN's drive is more effective.

"It is great that we have both organizations on campus, but I think that purchasing an actual gift is just more personal during the holiday season," she said. "Our gifts go more directly to those in need."

Walsh said that the two holiday drives complement each other.

"I think the gift drive is terrific," she said. "I think the combination of the two gives students a choice about how to contribute to the holiday season."

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