
Some Parts of the World Can Put Westerners' Health in Danger

It turned out that Hughes had contracted a parasite that was severely affecting his health. In addition, he came down with a painful urinary tract infection.

Hughes says he developed both conditions in Tunisia, where he questioned the purity of even the bottled water he bought.


"There's no reason to think the vendors wouldn't just fill the bottles with tap water," Hughes says. "They just want to turn a profit."

Kaya R. Stone '00, publishing director of Let's Go, says the company pays for its researchers' shots and warns them to be careful of what they eat in developing countries.

Despite the precautions, Let's Go researchers have had serious cases of illness, according to Stone.

"Two years ago, one researcher got dengue fever in Burma," Stone says.

Dengue fever is spread by mosquitoes and causes high fevers, rashes and pain in different areas of the body. It usually lasts about a week.

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