
Profile of Driskell-Burton

Driskell and Burton also hope to distribute dining hall table tents announcing recent council votes and upcoming items on the council's agenda.

They say council representatives should be assigned to specific projects, like advising or faculty diversity task forces, and made accountable for their work during the term.


"People can come to the U.C. and get lost in the numbers and that's sad," Driskell says.

"My ideal U.C. is one where everybody is working toward some project that they can have a stake in and that they can be accountable for," she adds.

While the team stresses broad goals like community building, they also say this year they are focusing more on specific quality-of-life goals.

"To run a successful campaign and know what to do when elected you need specifics," Burton says.

They propose offering Fly-By lunches for first-years and making improvements to the Malkin Athletic Center.

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