
Made of Dough?

During the summer before their senior year, students send schools a preliminary application.

Shearwood "Woody" McClelland '00 initially applied to 21 medical schools.

American Medical College Application Service charges a $435 fee to send a student's applications to the first 12 schools, and $30 per school thereafter.


So McClelland spent $675 just to send his preliminary applications.

"If you want to play you've got to pay," McClelland says. "It's a part of the process."

Twenty-one schools may seem like a lot, but it is an average number for medical school applicants. Unlike undergraduate programs, which could admit hundreds, or thousands, of students into an entering class, medical schools often have only 100 spaces.

There is a more narrow range in quality among medical schools than undergraduate colleges.

Since the 50 top medical schools all have acceptance rates under 10 percent, students normally apply to more than 15 schools.

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