
Fire Consumes Shuttle Bus Near Annenberg Hall

Juliana Han '03 watched the scene from her third floor dorm room window in nearby Canaday Hall.

"When the smoke was coming out at full force, I couldn't see the face of Sanders [Theatre]," Han said.


About 200 onlookers stood by the scene at noon, just as students from the College's second largest class, Moral Reasoning 22, "Justice" were exiting the Memorial Hall complex.

Most watched the bus burn from the wall overlooking the underpass.

A loud explosion, which Reardon said was most likely caused by an exploding tire, accompanied the flames.

Han said she could feel the explosion shake against the windows of her dorm room. The explosion was also heard inside Annenberg Hall.

"It made a loud booming sound," said Kristin R. Hoelting '03. "It sounded like dynamite exploding. I thought there might have been a bomb or something."

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