
Turkey Day Brings Business to Savenor's

Ron took over in 1989 upon his father's retirement. When a fire destroyed the Cambridge store in 1992, Savenor's reopened at its present location.

But not all customers who come to Savenor's know of its history or its prominent clientele, which has included not only Child but also "Roosevelts and Rockefellers," according to the Herald.


Stanley is quick to point out the shop's appeal as a neighborhood store.

"You have to be a dope not to see how beautiful this stuff is," she says, motioning towards the store's shelves, which overflow with gourmet products ranging from rare coffee blends to assorted breads and pastas.

Stanley is so satisfied with the store that she all but brings it with her when she vacations.

"I bring the meat with me to grill in the summertime" in the Hamptons, she says. And she always returns to Savenor's in the holiday season to pick up filet mignon for Christmas and, of course, turkey for Thanksgiving.

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Customers have it easy, though, considering what Savenor's goes through to prepare for the holiday rush.

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