
Cultural Extravaganza Draws 150

Feng Y. Xu '03, a representative of the Chinese Students Association (CSA), said she especially liked the pad thai, which is a famous Thai dish of rice noodles.

The CSA topped off the meal with traditional desserts, as did the Vietnamese Association.


"The food brings me back home," said a CSA representative Jennie C. Wei '03, who is from Chicago.

The meal set the stage for a number of performers, who ranged from the Korean Drum Troupe's percussionists to the Asian-American Dance Troupe. HPF dancers presented a courtship dance, eliciting catcalls from the crowd.

Martial arts were on display throughout the night, as the Kendo Club demonstrated its art of Japanese sword-fighting, which emphasizes the "singular fatal blow," said Andrew W. Hartlagh '02, the club's publicity director.

The Harvard World Taekwondo Federation Club also put on a show for the crowd, as Christopher J. Shim '02 and Kathy Chang '02 put on pads and headgear and began sparring.

"You go, girl!" someone shouted from the audience as Chang kicked Shim in the face.

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