
Former Journal Editor Sues Harvard, Citing Discrimination

Kelleher says university fired her for depression

While Supreme Court decisions are not binding on the similar Massachusetts statute, Ryan said that state courts often look towards federal court decisions as important precedents.

In this case, however, Ryan said University is defending itself on the basis of specific circumstances and is not making any broad arguments about discrimination against clinical depression as a protected disability.

"We are not making generalizations about depression," Ryan said. "We are focusing on the plaintiff as [the case] regards her."


Ryan refused, however, to discuss the specifics of the University's legal defense strategy in the midst of the trial.

Thomas K. Christo, Kelleher's lawyer, was also unwilling to comment yesterday.

Kelleher's original suit included charges against Ervin and James H. Stock, Larsen Professor of Political Economy in the Kennedy School of Government. These defendants were voluntarily dropped when the case was brought to trial.

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