
Bush Spent Undergrad Years Away From Politics

Bush avoided protests in Yale fraternity days

According to a study Chauncey later conducted, the "screaming radicals" at Yale came disproportionately from the ranks of alumni legacy students and prep school graduates.

But as those students demonstrated against the establishment that bred them, Bush increasing felt that "protesting and growing your hair long wasn't a way to do something," Deeter says.

As a result, Bush, who has never attended a single Yale reunion, came to view with contempt much of what he saw as a hypocritical and pretentious left-wing academic establishment.


A Yale Education

The culture of protest did not inspire Bush to immerse himself in his academic work. In four years, he never failed a class at Yale, but he never scored better than an 88 in any course, and got a 69 in Astronomy, according to a copy of his transcript published in The New Yorker.

In his time at Yale, Bush, who majored in U.S. history, averaged a C+.

"I wouldn't characterize him as a scholar," Chauncey says, "but that's not a time when scholarship was highest on people's agendas."

Grade inflation makes Bush's marks appear worse than they would have seemed in 1968. An 80 average was good enough to get on the Dean's List then, and an 85 was considered a real feat.

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