
Positions At Top Still Have Few Minorities

"My own sense is that students from different ethnic minority groups at Harvard, when they look at these positions, they don't look at them just in terms of race. But it does become very obvious that the very top tier is not only white, but it's male," Asani says.

An Engineering Success

Narayanamurti says he's been familiar with minority issues in academics since he came to the United States from India as a graduate student at Cornell 38 years ago.


Narayanamurti got a job with Bell Labs--a company he says was a leading institution at that time in promoting gender and racial diversity.

In the science fields, he points out, Asian Americans have always been ahead of other minorities in representation.

But at Sandia National Laboratories, where Narayanamurti worked next, he was the only Indian staff member.

"I know what it means to be a loner," Narayanamurti says. "I just don't think of myself in those terms at all."

What is more impressive about his position at Harvard than his minority status, he says, is that he was hired from outside of the University system.

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