
Champion to Announce Factory Sites

Champion sells its products to about 3,500 collegiate bookstores, including the Coop, which in turn sell the apparel to students.

Champion pledged to release the locations of all its factories to all of its licensees. That promise goes beyond the disclosures made last month by Nike, which released the locations of only some of its factories and only to those schools that specifically requested the information.

"We are providing this information so that you can reassure your students of Champion's commitment to ethical workplace philosophies, principles, and practices," Flatow wrote.


According to Carter, Champion is "vehemently opposed" to sweatshop labor conditions, and views its overseas factories as an investment to be protected.

"You have to understand that when you go into a country and put machinery and a factory in there, and hire people and train them, the investment that you have made there is huge," she said.

Champion would not disclose how much business it does with Harvard, but the amount exceeds the $1million in sales that Gear for Sports does yearly in Harvard apparel.

Now that its two largest licensees have committed to full disclosure, Ryan said Harvard's role is virtually complete.

"Our job is done regarding our licensees. The others are much smaller," he said.

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