
Web Site Ranks Harvard Behind Rival Princeton

Despite Harvard's second place ranking, Ritz Survey praises the University.

"[A] 'brilliant' student body is the hallmark of Harvard, as are 'excellent professors who are approachable if one is willing to make the effort,'" the Web site reads.


But the site also criticizes the school for its large class sizes, stringent Core requirements and policies that put "a damper on social life."

Harvard spokesperson Joe Wrinn said he was unaware of the Web site, but that in general, rankings like this one are unimportant.

"We don't put a lot of credence in surveys," Wrinn said. "The main point is for a student to go the school best for him or her regardless of what a survey says."

The Web site has spaces for students to fill out electronic surveys about their colleges.

While students must register a name and password to submit surveys, there is no mechanism to ensure that the Ivy League survey respondents actually attended the school they were commenting on. The site also allows visitors to submit an unlimited number of surveys.

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