

Time for Bush to Bid Buchanan Adieu

If Bush lets Buchanan go without fuss or regret, he will show America that he truly is a moderate republican. He does not have to worry about alienating the Republican voters either. Buchanan's supporters, as much as they admire their candidate, are not going to risk losing a third consecutive presidential election by wasting their vote with a candidate who has no chance of winning. Any vote for Buchanan by a conservative in America will have the same effect as a vote for the democratic candidate.

In fact, if Buchanan truly cared about conservative issues and helping to implement some of his policies, he would not try to fracture his party by attacking a candidate as strong as Bush.


Right now, Buchanan is considering whether or not he wants to skip over to the Reform Party. This maneuver would place him, incongruously enough, in the same party as Jesse Ventura and Lenora Fulani who is associated with Louis Farrakhan.

If Buchanan truly wants to make himself a side show and a farce in the general election, the Republican Party, having both their own interests in mind and Buchanan's obvious need for attention, should let him go.

Bush should follow the lead of Senator McCain, another candidate for the Republican nomination, and bid Buchanan good luck with the Reform Party.

Benjamin M. Grossman is a first-year student in Holworthy Hall.

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