


The writer is former Director of the University Lutheran Shelter.


Hicks Ignorant of 'Fattism'

To the editors:

George Hicks makes a round of cruel and senseless comments about the homeless in Harvard Square. Beyond his ignorance on homelessness (which I won't address here), his contempt for obese people is downright disturbing. Hicks comfortably uses this woman's weight as a point of ridicule and a "fact" to disqualify her neediness. Hicks' snide confusion over an "obese beggar" demonstrates total ignorance about the nature of obesity and poverty. Hicks (an economics concentrator) is "missing something here." It's more expensive to be thin than fat in America today.

At McDonald's, two bucks can buy you two cheeseburgers, but it can't get you a calorie-conscious salad. Worse, Hicks doesn't even recognize the weightist prejudice he's expressing: "Incapacitated? Well, she can't really walk so well, but I don't really see that mild disability keeping her out of the job market. Discriminated against? No, nothing there, either." Fattism does keep people out of the job market. And it can make people miserable. Sadly enough, some people still think it's okay to ridicule fat people.

I can't forgive Hicks' inhumanity--whether he's talking about the situation of the homeless or the size of an individual. Maybe Hicks and other Harvard students who share his views should think a little more deeply.

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