
A Charter Against Bureaucracy

One-year teacher contracts and an independent board are just part of what sets the Banneker Charter School apart from public schools

In the Iowa Reading Test, which third-graders take, the school's results indicated it was meeting its goals.

"Based on this year's Iowa Reading Test Scores, the Benjamin Banneker Charter School has finally completed what it set out to do three years meet the educational needs of minority, low-income, and disadvantaged students in Cambridge," reads the school annual report.

The End of the Beginning


And for the members of the Banneker family, a rocky start has settled to a comfortable and stable educational environment.

"People have accepted us as another school in Cambridge," Birkett says.

He is not the only one who remains optimistic about the school.

"You had to work out the bumps [in the beginning]. This year, I'm proud of this school," says Sharon Reed, one of the founding parents.

And pride is something that seems to identify this school, as the mantra of sacrifice for the greater good runs through the hallways.

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