
Tackling Football Myths

"Players do write theses. Usually, players don't take off senior year, they just do it," he says.

The Next Step

Patterson would like to play professional sports after graduating in June. But Murphy has another vision for his star's future.


"I see him as one day being the next governor of Tennessee and I joke with him about that all the time," Murphy says.

The players and Murphy say that, despite the narrow range of concentrations players choose, their career plans vary widely.

"Of eight seniors on defense, three want to go to medical school, three into investment banking, and the other two law school," Murphy says. "They all have minimum GPA of 3.1"

Eitzmann says he may put his undergraduate work in psychology into practice.

"I took a semester off and worked for a hedge fund so that is obviously an option and a consideration," he says. "I've also thought a lot about continuing work in psychology and working towards becoming a child psychologist."

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