
W. Volleyball Knocks Off Quinnipiac in Four Games

"Our captains always play well for us," Weiss said.

The Crimson was in control from then on. Quinnipiac seemed to have serious difficulty getting the ball over the net. The Harvard defense left the Braves flashing disappointed looks at each other and passing out empty high fives. After only a half hour of play, Harvard was up 2-0 for the match.


The Crimson looked to finish off the Braves quickly, going up 4-2 in the third game. However for the rest of game three, Quinnipiac played superbly while Harvard started to slide, considerably. The Braves racked up a .320 hitting percentage in the third game, after having more errors than kills in each of the first two games.

"[Quinnipiac] played with a much slower pace, not quite as fast as we were used to," Weiss said. "They forced us to put forth extra effort, to get the simple things right."

Harvard made as many errors in the third game as they did in the first two combined.

"We just didn't pass, so we had no ball control," said Weiss.

Harvard only scored one more point for the entire third game, as Quinnipiac won 15-5.

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