
Harvard and MIT Face Off For Technology Funding

"I believe that Harvard plans to make a relationship like the one MIT has over the next couple of years," Abelson says.

Despite Harvard's proximity to MIT, the two colleges have no current plans to work together on I-Campus. Abelson says this kind of inter-faculty cooperation is rare between universities.


According to Abelson, when collaboration happens among institutions, it is usually "spontaneous" and based upon "common interests."

"Universities are very complicated kinds of beasts," he says. "Both MIT and Harvard have very different kinds of faculty."

Still, already MIT and the National University of Singapore are cooperating to offer classes over the Internet.

"Why should an undergraduate be at only one university?" Abelson says.

In the future, he says, the technology of distance learning may make it possible for Harvard to share facilities and students with universities down the river and across the world.

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