
Nike Releases Locations, Names of 42 College Apparel Factories

Still, Erik A. Beach '02, another member of PSLM, said even Nike has not been totally forthcoming on the issue.

"Nike did not disclose any information about factories in Indonesia, and many of the ones that were disclosed are in the U.S., even though most of the abuses occur overseas," said Beach, noting that the 42 locations are only a fraction of Nike's hundreds of factories.


According to Allan A. Ryan Jr., a University attorney, full disclosure is a goal that Harvard shares with its students.

Ryan said he has been negotiating with Harvard's licensees to achieve this objective ever since University President Neil L. Rudenstine announced an official anti-sweatshop policy last spring.

"The challenge is how do we influence a manufacturing process we are unfamiliar with," Ryan said. "[The difficulty is] we only deal with the licensees, not directly with the factories."

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