
Gay Students Protest BGLTSA's Approach

The various alternative posters read: "I don't like the BGLTSA posters I've been seeing. Is there a group I can join with different values?" and "Want to join a new supportive straight-gay alliance?"

An e-mail address for the group appears at the bottom of the flyer.


BGLTSA co-chair Michael A. Hill '02 said his group recognizes the diversity of the group's constituent population but did not intend to represent all students with the posters.

"Our current position is that we do not censor the speech and expressions of our constituency," said Hill, who noted that he did not want to restrict members' freedom of speech during a poster-making session last Thursday.

"We have had a number of poster campaigns and the only ones that have been successful are the ones that are sensational," he added. "Harvard students look at what catches their eye, and sensationalism catches their eye."

The alternative organization Davidson plans to start will be one that focuses more on the social rather than the political questions and issues surrounding homosexuality on campus.

He said that the purpose of the group was "to provide a safe space for those questioning their sexuality"

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