
What's Eating Pop? Notes From The Underground

A: Oh, I did like them. I thought they were cool.

THC: Me too!


A: And I don't really think they're in it for the music; I think they're in it to make money and be on MTV. Yeah, once people started selling out and doing it for the money that's where everything went wrong. Because I still travel with my friend's was all about friendship, and travelling, and having lots of fun. But then it started getting into money...and then it was all about money and not the music.

Alexandra, 17, almost a musical puritan, started hanging out with her grandmother when she realized that everything on the radio was no good. Her grandmother, besides being her best friend, gives her her grandfather's old Chuck Berry records. Consequently, Alexandra rues the day that rock 'n roll died, and wishes everybody had at least four Chuck Berry albums. Until modern music stops sucking, until it stops sampling old music and starts being original, it can do without her patronage.

THC: Do you like anyone from today?

A: I listen to Liz Phair; she's my favorite female artist in the whole entire world; and Mudhoney and Hole, and that's about it. If there's some new chick, I don't think I'd like her at all, because she's just some actress.

THC: What do you hate most about music now?

A: With music now, everything is mushing together like a melting pot. It's like we need to bring back segregation in music. Rock 'n roll ended up just being mixed in with rap, techno is being mixed with rock 'n roll. It's really depressing, all this electronic bullshit, with rap this and rap that and pop this and Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys, all with no artistic ability to create their own music. They're like made up by business people in a room somewhere.

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